Conference Organisation

Patron: Dr. Pradipta Banerji, Director, IIT Roorkee
Chairman Organizing Committee:Dr. P.K. Jain, Prof. and Head, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department
Convener: Dr. Satish C. Sharma
Organizing Secretary: Dr. Pushparaj Mani Pathak
Joint Organizing Secretary: Dr. Indra Vir Singh
Joint Organizing Secretary: Dr. Manish M. Joglekar
Treasurer: Dr. Manish Mishra
Finance and Resources Prof. Ravi Kumar
Media and Publicity Dr. A. Tariq
Paper Review and Conference Proceeding Prof. B. K. Mishra
Technical Sessions Dr. Huzur Saran and Dr. K. Murugesan
Poster Presentation Dr. S.P. Harsha and Anil Kumar II
Accommodation Dr. Anil Kumar I and Dr. K.M. Singh
Reception & Registration Prof. Akhilesh Gupta
Exhibition and Decoration Prof. P. K. Sahoo
Transport Prof. R. P. Gakkhar
Printing and Publication Dr. P. K. Jha
Catering Dr. D. K. Dwivedi and Dr. A.K. Sharma
Cultural Program Dr. Navneet Arora
Infrastructure Dr. Manish Mishra and Dr. Inderdeep Singh
Inaugural & Valedictory function Prof. B. K. Gandhi
Student Mechanism Design Contest Dr. Sanjay Upadhyay and Dr. Dhish Saxena
Website Mr. Shashank Agarwal and Mr. Archit Garg